Why is Moroccan Red Clay good for your skin?

Well hello thereeeee my healthy, (or trying to be) bareskn babes!

Are you a face mask junkie? Do you live for them and all of their promises on a weekly basis? Were here to say…. Stop spending money on store bought masks loaded with preservatives, dyes, and harmful fragrances. The earth has so many nutrient rich clays and natural products that provide way more benefits, and none of the harm.

We like to think of ourselves as an anti-agin skin care company. Your skin is the biggest organ on your body. Isn’t that crazy?! It soaks up EVERYTHINGGGG. Even pollutants. So its always a good little refresher to even take a bath with these clays to remove toxins built up in your skin all over. Not just your face.. Lets talk about that for a second actually. Why are we only concerned with the skin on our face and not the rest of our body? We are so worried about fine lines and crows feet but what about when our arms start getting saggy and our legs? What about the spiritual benefit of removing build up and toxins on our whole body? I mean think about it.

Okay sorry, anywaysss. I wanted to share a few DIY recipes as well as benefits with y’all on Moroccan Red clay. First thing:

What is Moroccan Red Clay?

Moroccan red clay is a natural clay powder that is highly absorbent and mixes easily with water and other moisturizing products. It serves as an excellent facial cleanser and purifying mask, especially for individuals with sensitive skin. It is mined from volcanic activity and geometric changes in the soil. Moroccan Clay comes from ancient deposits of soil from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco.

What are the benefits of Moroccan Red Clay?

  • No More Blackheads

  • Tighter Pores

  • Adds shine

  • Reduces signs of aging and prevents it.

  • Lessens breakouts when used 2+ times a week

  • Smooths skins texture

  • Improves skin tone

  • Nourishes skin

  • Increases skin elasticity

It’s no secret that we LOVE all things clays up in here. With this skin brightening clay, it is perfect for oily, dry or even combo skin and great for your hair. This dream mask will draw out toxins, and boost blood flow to give you that delicious plump without the price tag. The Healing properties of moroccan red clay combined with geranium EO will reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Leaving you with fresh new skin!

There are endless possibilities when using ANY of our clays. You can make face masks, hair masks, body masks, body soaks, cleansers etc with them. Below im gonna list some DIY recipes for hair, face and body masks. You can even throw a scoop or two into your bath with some Dead Sea Salt or Epsom Salt.

Moroccan Red Clay Face Mask-

  • Add desired amount of clay into a bowl (about 1 Tablespoon)

  • Add desired amount of warm water or apple cider vinegar ORRR even witch hazel into bowl (start small, could end up being 1 Tablespoon)

  • Mix properties with a WOODEN SPOON. You can find a wooden spoon HERE or use one from your kitchen!

  • Leave on your face for a minimum of 5 minutes.

  • Note: Clay may stain skin. I go to sleep with it stained on my skin for added benefits and I wash my face as normal in the morning and the clay is gone! My skin is super bright in the AM and I moisturize as normal as well

You want to use a wooden spoon because the clays are negatively charged. If you use a metal spoon, fork, knife, ANYTHING, it will cancel the charge and your clay won’t work. The point is to suck out toxins, dirt, oil, grime with the force of the charge. So you definitely don’t want to use anything other than wood to stir.

Moroccan Red Clay Body Mask-

You will want to apply this mask after showering/bathing and rinse after 15 minutes. Maybe y’all can find something not so messy to do in the mean time while you wait…haha! read a book, meditate, dream, instagram, I don’t care what you do, but try and make it positive for yourself. Girl time. Self care.

  • Add desired amount of Clay to a bowl

  • Add desired amount of apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, water or a mix of water and ACV to the bowl. You’ll want to start small and keep adding little by little to your desired consistence (remember to stir with a wooden spoon!

  • Add a drop of your desired essential oil.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of desired oil. Options are: Coconut oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil

  • MIX.

  • Apply to body and leave on for 15-20 minutes, turn on some music, read a book and relax.

  • Note: Clay may stain. If it does, you can use a light amount of body soap to wash off.

This mask will help draw out toxins and heavy metals left in your skin. You will feel SOOOO DANG REFRESHED.

Moroccan Red Clay Hair Mask-

After shampooing IN THE SHOWER, apply this mask. So get it ready before hand and bring in the shower with you. Condition if necessary. Due to it being a red clay and its staining possibilities, it is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BLONDES OR LIGHTER HAIR!

  • Add desired amount of Clay

  • Add pure aloe vera gel

  • Add a splash of warm water (again, stir with wooden spoon to check consistency and add a little as you go!)

  • Massage into roots just like a shampoo, work it through to the ends, Leave in your hair for a minimum of 5 minutes. Shave, wash your body or face and then rinse. You can also use this consistency on your face as well!


I hope y’all love this blog and education. There will be more to come in the future. DIY recipes, education and just some random stuff. Comment below if you have tried any of this and let us know what you think!